Sunday, May 13, 2012

What health Reform Takes Away, curative Tourism Gives Back

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The following points were stressed by Roy Ramthun, President of Hsa Consulting Services, a former White House advisor on health initiatives and a key-note speaker at The First Latin American Global rehabilitation and Wellness Congress April 26, 2010, in San Jose, Costa Rica.

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How is What health Reform Takes Away, curative Tourism Gives Back

We had a good read. For the benefit of yourself. Be sure to read to the end. I want you to get good knowledge from Cigna Health Plan.

For the healing trip industry, the timing is right. U.S. health Reform will mean (1) fines if you don't purchase accepted coverage, (2) higher premiums, higher taxes, and longer waiting times even if you do purchase accepted coverage; and, (3) inherent limits on passage to new technology and treatments.

In addition, U.S. Companies, from whom most employees and their families collect their assurance coverage, will be under great pressure to drop coverage, shift full-time workers to part-time, or go out of business. Estimates of Americans who will lose their employer-based assurance range from 8 to 19 million.

Employers that don't drop coverage will be under pressure to move their employees to Hsas.

The U.S. Is already facing a important shortage of physicians and nurses. Addition coverage to 35 million more Americans will originate problems passage needed care by already assurance Americans. Projected reductions in payments to healing professionals by Medicare and Medicaid and lack of tort reform will only exacerbate the shortage problems.

More patients may be willing to trip rather than wait for services. Americans with health savings accounts (Hsa's) are the most likely healing tourists. These are habitancy willing to travel, internet savvy, and will be shopping abroad for value because these habitancy are spending their own money. New transparency provisions will raise awareness of costs. Newly uninsured are looking for less costly places to passage care, for example workers converting to part-time and early retirees who lost coverage. Americans are looking for new technology and treatments not yet ready in the U.S. Us employers may be willing to send their employees overseas for procedures to lower the costs and avoid the excise tax. assurance carriers may do the same for their members. assurance clubs are building relationships with foreign doctors and hospitals as they look for opportunities to sell assurance products in emerging markets. U.S.-based assurance carriers growing international proximity may make healing tourism easier; for example Cigna, United, and Aetna are placing a greater emphasis on growing their overseas operations. - Source: health Plan Week, Vol. 20, No. 13, April 12, 2010. More wealthy seniors may retire overseas to avoid higher taxes on investments.

Post-Reform Environment

Heightened Awareness of Cost
"Those who opt to go without assurance will always have the choice of obtaining assurance if/when they get in effect sick because of guaranteed issue requirements. Bottom-line: Only those who are sick will purchase insurance, driving up assurance prices for everyone." (source Laura Carabello, publisher of healing trip Today)

Pain forces change...

For The Working Young
According to Ramthun, one implication of health Care Reform is that there are 3:1 limits on rating for age. Rates for young habitancy could increase 70%. Ouch! Now that get's your concentration right in the pocketbook. How many will rebel and pick to "opt-out" and pay a fine?

For Baby Boomers
Due to rising out-of-pocket costs for beneficiaries of Medicare, and the additional cost of supplemental assurance to mouth accepted coverage, more retirees may consider offshore care and even pick to live abroad. Boomers pride themselves on designing their own lifestyles - "not my father's retirement".

For Employers
Cleveland Clinic and Lowe's have partnered on cardiac care. Lowe's clubs Inc., second-largest home revising retailer in U.S., struck a three-year agreement with the Cleveland Clinic. It's the first time a multi-state national firm has chosen one expert hospital and made it ready to employees.

The Cleveland Clinic has both domestic and overseas locations that will allow it to compete on costs. The incentive to employees: Reduced out-of-pocket costs to go to Cleveland for heart procedures.

One Georgia-based employer: "With the cheaper in the state it's in, some businesses may consider paying the ,000-per-employee penalty for not surface workers rather than paying higher benefit costs." (source FierceHealthcare, April 1, 2010)

Compromised passage to Care
It's human nature to fight to keep from losing what you've got - and many Americans will sass to the harsh reality of less potential care by casting their net wider - both domestically and globally to mouth their individual potential of life.

The process of "comparative effectiveness" could lead to rationing," said Ramthun, who referenced a quote from Dr. Donald Berwick in his June 2009 interview for Biotechnology Healthcare. "The decision is not either or not we will division care; the decision is either we will division with our eyes open."

Delays in New Technology Approval
We already contact that delay in stem cell and in vitro gravidity (Ivf) procedures, and the example used by Ramthun was hip re-surfacing vs. Hip replacement. Our concern for loved ones will drive interest in alternative treatments abroad.

Fewer divergence of Benefits
"Some assurance clubs may leave the market," said Ramthun, "either because of age rating limitations, the restrictions on the number of income to be spent on claims, or less opening for stock differentiation. The downside is that variations in covered benefits will decrease."

Longer Wait Times
Waiting is not something Americans do well. And when the annoyance of "waiting" is coupled with lifestyle-busting costs, more habitancy will proactively shop for value. assurance carriers and self-insured clubs are already shopping abroad ahead of that trend.

As an individual, just how long are you willing to "wait" to make a bad situation go away? And does it make sense to blindly decide for a minuscule menu of rehabilitation choices without knowledge of all ready options affecting your best health outcome?

Why will there be longer wait times? A shortage of doctors and others opting to retire early - and reduced Medicare and Medicaid payments are exacerbating minuscule passage to care.

The wait can be as long as two months. Boston has the longest wait, averaging 49.6 days (source Abc News, June 2009).

Patients in northern Massachusetts trip to New Hampshire because of the wait times (source Abc News, March 2010)

There are strong indications that reductions in Medicare payments will exacerbate doctor shortages and hence follow in longer wait times as reported in the record "Medicare and the Mayo Clinic - The preeminent hospital will no longer take some senior patients", published January 8, 2010 in The Wall road Journal.

Shortage of Doctors
The shrinking number of physicians may force patients to trip or move to other areas for potential healing care. Ramthun quoted the following stat reported by many sources along with the April 12, 2010 record in the Wall road Journal "Medical Schools Can't Keep up":

"At current graduation and training rates, the U.S. Could face a shortage of as many as 150,000 doctors in the next 15 years, agreeing to the connection of American healing Colleges (Aamc). That shortfall is expected despite a push by teaching hospitals and healing schools to boost the number of U.S. Doctors, which now totals about 954,000."

According to an record "How health Care Reform Will sway family Physicians", published April 13, 2010 by The American Academy of family Physicians (Aafp), the Aafp projects a shortfall of 40,000 customary care physicians. "currently, the United States has a deficit of practically 40,000 customary care physicians, agreeing to Aafp estimates. As the newly insured enter the law over the next few years, the customary care shortage is expected to worsen."

"A eye by The New England Journal of rehabilitation suggests 46% of doctors may retire early," said Ramthun, "and lack of tort reform may push others out early."

Physician-owned Hospitals are in Peril. "The legislation virtually destroys over 60 hospitals that are currently under development, and leaves minuscule room for the future increase of the industry." (source Molly Sandvig, administrative Director of doctor Hospitals of America (Pha)

Disenfranchised physicians in the Us may opt to open their own facilities in other countries. "Since the health care reform bill passed, you wouldn't believe the number of doctors who have said they've had it and want to control surface the system" (Dr. Brian Forrest of passage Healthcare).

Declining Value of Medicare
Not having passage to Medicare was once thought about the major barrier to retiring abroad. With passage and benefits decreasing, a growing number of Boomers are tallying up the extensive cost of living and opting to forego Medicare benefits in lieu of equally affordable and often better healing and wellness options ready to U.S. Seniors in other countries.

The time restrictions on appointments limit the perceived potential of a doctor visit, and the revolving door policy of only one issue to be discussed per doctor visit dramatically reduces the potential of the inpatient experience. It's a burden for both the doctor and the inpatient to be in such a rat race.

According to Forrest, at one job interview, he was told he would be required to sign a covenant saying he'd see a inpatient every seven minutes or have his pay cut. Most new physicians sign those contracts. Forrest, 38, wouldn't (source May 24, 2010 Cash for Doctors record posted in The

As reported in the record "Medicare and the Mayo Clinic - The preeminent hospital will no longer take some senior patients", published January 8, 2010 in The Wall road Journal. The same record also suggests that 20% of hospitals may have to stop accepting Medicare because of cost reductions.

Drug market Drop Out of Medicaid
It's not a good sign when national drug store chains start to drop out of Medicaid as indicated by May 16, 2010 record entitled "Walgreens: No new Washington Medicaid patients" published by The Spokesman Review.

According to Ramthun, "Medicaid expansions could make things worse as millions of new enrollees join the program."

The lowest Line
More habitancy may be willing to trip or move to other areas, both domestically and abroad, for cost and potential healthcare considerations. And the increased interest in offshore care by self-insured clubs and assurance carriers, is validating that trend.

I witnessed an impressive number of U.S.-based third-party representatives (Tpr's) exploring the choice of healing tourism at The First Latin American Global rehabilitation and Wellness Congress.

Exhibit booths were visited by U.S.-based Human Resources (Hr) representatives, banking organizations, assurance carriers and re-insurers, assurance underwriters and leaders of large self-insured groups like teachers unions, etc. One Tpr could sway hundreds if not thousands of habitancy to trip offshore for healing care.

The time is right for healing tourism to come to be a megatrend.

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