Friday, May 18, 2012

Presenteeism: The inexpressive Costs of business

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How is Presenteeism: The inexpressive Costs of business

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Presenteeism, a relatively unknown concept, is the complement of Absenteeism. It is defined as the measure of lost productivity cost due to employees actually showing up for work, but not being fully engaged and productive mainly because of personal condition and life issue distractions. Currently, Presenteeism is estimated to be up to 7 ½ times more high-priced to employers than absenteeism. (1)

Statistically, Presenteeism rears its ugly head and shows itself for what it actually is... A costly, somewhat unseen threat to employers. It is thought about a threat because of its stealthy nature. The term itself is new, only recently added to our language. Considering the following alarming statistics, your company may be in danger.

o Presenteeism accounts for 61% of an employees total lost productivity and healing costs. (4)

o Presenteeism costs employers an estimated 00/yr/employee. (10)

o Employees working at diminished capacity cost employers 0 Billion/yr. (8)

o 42% of employees anticipate elder care issues over the next five years. (2)

o 37% of employees with current elder care issues have lost work time per week, a total of (11) hours/wk spent. (2)

o On average, employees spent about 8 hours over the former two-weeks off work, linked to giving care. Some of that was paid, such as sick leave or vacation time, and some was unpaid. (5)

o One of the most commonly requested resources from Eap's are legal services to cover estate planning, house law, divorce, real estate, bankruptcy and other non-workplace issues, accounting for 60-70% of all Eap requests from employees. (2)

o 64% of unscheduled absences are due to house issues 22%, personal needs 18%, an entitlement mentality 13% and stress11%. (9)

o 30% of employees come to work at least 5 days when they are too distracted to be effective. 28% of workers took time off for care giving and 25% took at least 1 hour/day to deal with personal issues. (7)

o Costs of absenteeism have risen from 0/employee/year in 2000 to an average of 9 per worker in 2002. (6)

o Of all of the expenses linked to absence, unscheduled time off has the biggest impact on productivity, profitability and morale. (9)

o 49% of employees lose productivity at a rate of 1 hour or more/day due to stress, 40% lose 1-2 days/yr, 37% lose 3-6 days/yr, and 23% lose more than 6 days/yr of productivity due to stress. 44% of employees come to work 1-4 days/yr when too stressed to be effective, 19% of employees come to work more than 6 days/yr when too stressed to be effective. (3)

o 68% of employees take frequent "stress breaks" at work to talk with others. (7)

So, what can be done? Some will argue "Do nothing" and it will work itself out, after all, these issues have been a part of employee/employer relations for years. While that may be somewhat true, the actual linked costs of Presenteeism are rising, commonly without the aware knowledge of the employer. Those "hide your head in the sand" approaches to company execution commonly spell d-o-o-m. Ignorance about any threatening, growing, unrealized operational problem will actually be costly.

Potential Solutions: Employers must begin to encourage sick or distraught workers to stay home and get proper healing or expert attentiveness before returning to work. Reconsider funding or partially funding an on-site day-care facility. There are many thriving models to emulate. Reconsider expanding or modifying personal leave policies to great aid employees. Advance Eap programs to offer additional worker aid in a wide range of emotional and house issues. This also has the unseen advantage of enhancing goodwill and demonstrating to employees that their employer cares about their concerns. While these actions may appear to be costly, they are actually an venture in your business.

Awareness is the key, the origin, the starting of seeing solutions. Study your operations in light of the former statistics. Take actions to prepare for these inevitable situations and build their linked costs into your company model, rather than being caught by surprise at the end of the fiscal year with drastically reduced profit margins without a reasonable explanation. Smart company persons will become aware of the costs of Presenteeism and take operation up-front to safe their business.

Bibliography and References:

1999 study by The Employers condition Coalition of Tampa, Fl Risk and Insurance, March, 2004 company Legal Resources, April 24, 2003 New Cornell University study, published in April 2004 of the Journal of Occupational and Environmental Medicine. A study of 375,000 employees over a 3-year period up-to-date BankOne eye of employees Dee W. Edington PhD, Director, Univ. Of Michigan condition Mgmt explore Center Elevated Stress Levels Lead to Presenteeism, by Richard Chaifetz, Ceo of ComPsych, supplier of Eap programs Bulletin to Management, 12/5/2002, Bna expert data Center Braun Consulting News, 2003 Cch Unscheduled Absence, company assurance July, 2000, and the Us Bureau of Labor Statistics Cigna Behavioral Health, April 26, 2004

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